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Writer's picture: Cheyenne KizerCheyenne Kizer

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

[John 10:27]

I just recently had the opportunity to go to church camp with our children’s ministry. What a blessing it was! I answered a million questions, sweated on every inch of my body, ate too many snow cones and worshipped with these kids like I believe we will in heaven.

“God is always at work and we need to be in on it!”

I was thinking about how I want them to learn to hear God speak and it made me reminisce about my days in youth group when we went through Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby.

What a powerful study!

Henry teaches that God speaks through the Bible, people, circumstances and the Holy Spirit. The more time we spend in the Word, praying and listening, the better we get at recognizing God’s voice.

One time when London was young she was sitting on the back porch with Granny and they were discussing God’s creation and how God speaks. Suddenly there was a big gust of wind through the sycamore trees and London looked at Granny wide-eyed and said, “What’s God doing?”.

Out of the mouth of babes!

What has the Lord been saying to you?

Has the written Word been alive and active when you read?

Is the Lord speaking through people in your life?

Are your circumstances pointing you towards His message or direction?

Are you listening for the counsel of the Holy Spirit?

Remember, we build a relationship by spending time with someone, so we have to make a sacrifice to spend time with the Father. Henry Blackaby also says if you can’t hear God, then go back to the last thing He told you to do. Sometimes we have to be obedient, sometimes we just have to slow down to listen and sometimes we need to go where God is moving!

God is always at work and we need to be in on it!

Heavenly Father, help us to hear Your voice so that we may experience the life you have planned for us! Amen!

Dig Deeper

Joel 2:28-30 | Ephesians 6:10-20 | Romans 10:17 | Hebrews 4:12 | John 10:27-28

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