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Encourage One Another
1 Thessalonians 5:11
The Full Story
God has given me the precious honor of pouring into the lives of His people through teaching. I've had the opportunity of speaking at conferences, weekend retreats, church services and also in the prison. My cup runs over when I am able to connect through humor and be a vessel for God's love to flow through my message into the hearts of others.
My prayer is that people know that they are chosen and loved. When we know our identity in Christ it unlocks our future. It is my hope that people learn to dwell in the presence of God. His presence is where He miraculously transforms our hearts.
loud and enthusiastic approval, typically to welcome or honor someone or something
"Cheyenne is a gifted communicator. She is truthful, encouraging, and authentic. Her heartfelt enthusiasm is evident the minute she stands to speak."
-Susie Davis Ministries
"It is hard to put into words how Cheyenne has the ability to point women to Jesus. Her passion for shining a light into the darkness of this world honors the one true God and brings glory to Him. An added gift is she can bring women together from all paths of life and across denominations."
-Eloise Smith
“Truly, the Light and Love of Jesus overflows from Cheyenne! For many years, I’ve had the honor and privilege to be a part of Bible studies she’s led, heard her speak at numerous women’s events, and work side by side with her as leaders of our church’s women’s ministry. God has certainly given her a special calling and anointing to help others’ hurting hearts to heal and for them to know their identity in Christ Jesus. With her enthusiasm, humor, and joy, Cheyenne connects people’s hearts to each other and to Jesus. She’s an amazing, powerful woman of God!”
-Kim Patterson