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Writer's picture: Cheyenne KizerCheyenne Kizer

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

[Joshua 1:9]

I was dropping off my daughter at the Junior High School and I was delighted by the smallest action of a fellow student. This young man had to walk in front of my car to get across the drop off line and do you know, he sped up when he realized I was waiting! I feel so often this courtesy is lost in our culture.

So many people walk at turtle speed not even considering the people waiting. I’m not suggesting a new protocol of sprinting pedestrians, but I am saying a small, friendly wave and a pep in your step would be amazing.

The point is, someone may be waiting on us!

Have you ever thought that someone might be waiting on you to share your testimony so they can be encouraged? Maybe someone’s breakthrough or salvation is waiting on you to step out in faith and do something.

Zach Williams is right on when he sings “Fear Is a Liar”. It takes courage to take leaps of faith. We can’t let fear of judgment or rejection keep us from stepping into whatever opportunity the Lord is leading us to.

Maybe I’m a crazy driver and that sweet young man felt he had to hurry to be safe. Or maybe his sweet Mama taught him to be considerate of others and be polite. As a Christian, our life isn’t about us. It’s about Jesus, and living a life that reflects His love and reveals His glory.

Let’s get movin’!

Let’s get a pep in our step to make it past our obstacles, press through the difficulties, fight through the pain, laugh through the chaos and let God take us higher so we can share with others what He has done!

Dig Deeper

2 Timothy 1:7 | Revelation 12:11 | Psalm 121:1-2 | 1 Corinthians 16:3 | Isaiah 40:31

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Jun 21, 2022

Move (Keep Walkin’) by TobyMac comes to mind as I read devotional. Great reminder that their is at least one if not more waiting on us to Move (Keep Walkin’).


Jun 20, 2022

Yes and Amen! Happy Monday - let's put a pep in our step, look to see where God is working and join Him there! Thank you for this awesome reminder~xo


Jun 20, 2022

Our weekly Bible verse at church this week is actually Joshua 1:9! God speaks to me through repetition and confirming his scripture! it’s amazing how he works.

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