"Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."
[John 6:35]

The most valued homecooked thing in our family is Granny’s bread. It’s homemade from scratch, she puts melted butter on it to toast it in the oven and then piles those slices in a large stainless bowl.
That right there can bring joy to a family and honestly, we sure do try and get the best piece for ourselves!
The way we run to that bowl and grab a piece of bread is the way we should devour God’s Word!
Jesus was the Word made flesh and He is the Bread of life.
As a Christian we need Him in our daily lives to live victoriously.
I wish we could have sat in the crowd and heard His voice and seen His face when He healed someone. I wish I could have eaten some of the fish and bread He multiplied!
The truth is though He sent us His Spirit and we have this amazing opportunity to walk with Him and be guided by the Holy Spirit! He speaks to us through His Word, but if we aren’t reading the Word how can we expect to hear Him?
Often time people don’t know where to start reading. The gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are a great place. My favorite daily reading is a Bible in a year Bible where you have a small portion from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a Proverb and a small portion of the New Testament each day. (I prefer Charles Stanley Life Principles New King James Version.)
It’s interesting, there have been times I have been behind schedule, but the Lord spoke so clearly on the reading that I was on. His timing is perfect and if we are seeking Him, He will speak just what we need when we need it.
I pray today that your desire to be with Him in His Word grows and that when you open it up He speaks in new and exciting ways! He loves you so much and wants to spend time with you!
Dig Deeper
John 1:14 | John 6:32-35 | Matthew 26:26 | Mark 8