"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

On my very first day as a dental hygienist, almost 20 years ago, one of my patients asked me, "So, how long have you been doing this?" With a nervous giggle, I said, "Well, today is my first day."
That day I wasn't concerned about being a light for Jesus, I was just concerned about not making a mistake! However, many months later a coworker told me that my job was not just to clean teeth, but that this job was my ministry. I didn't understand the depth of what she said until years later.
The Lord gives us opportunities to love people right where we are. We are called to be a light in whatever situation we are in. My grandmother was in the rest home with dementia, and when she went to heaven we realized that the love of Jesus continued to shine in her smile even thought her little mind was not the same. Nurses felt loved just by her smile.
Sometimes we wonder why we are where we are or what the purpose of our circumstance is. What if someone is praying for their loved one and the Lord needs to use us in our current situation to shine His light on that lost sheep? Would we have more endurance and patience if we knew the tapestry He was weaving of the people in our life? I think we would.
I pray that we draw nearer to our Father so that we can be children of light! May we see through His eyes so that we don't miss an opportunity for someone to see His glory through us!
Dig Deeper
John 12:35-36 | 2 Corinthians 4:6 | 1 Thessalonians 5:5 | 1 Peter 2:9