“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

When London was just a toddler I was dropping her off with my mom one afternoon. It was beginning to sprinkle rain and as Mom was carrying her into the house a raindrop hit London on the head. She looked at me and said with a huge grin, "It hit me on the head!" It was this precious moment that was over 12 years ago, but I can see it like it was just 12 minutes. Her sweet smile, joy, and amusement that the raindrop found her head was this candid moment I will never forget. As I drove away the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Just like that I can heal." I had been praying for healing for someone and that moment has forever changed me. One raindrop, one smile, one Word.
As I think of all the answered prayers over the years I realize that most of them came with what I considered a delay. As we seek Him and pray with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can trust we are praying what is on His heart! Not one time has God let me down. There are moments that look and feel hopeless, but when we spend time in His presence worshiping, reading the Word, and praying, we find peace. We can trust His timing and know that His purpose and plans for us are good.
Today I'd like to remind you that God sees you and He hears your prayers. He loves you so much more than you can even fathom. Know that even when you can't see it, "just like that" He can and will do "exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or think"!
(Image by tawatchai07</a> Freepik)
Dig Deeper
Proverbs 3:5-6 | Matthew 21:22 | Psalm 27:14 | Ephesians 3:20