"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom."
[Proverbs 4:5]

This month is packed full of so many things, so I want these devotionals to be centered on King Jesus, especially since distractions come in small and large packages this time of year.
Let’s unpack Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah these weeks leading up to Christmas!
This week’s focus is on WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING.
Isaiah 11:2 says “The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding…”
Luke 2 says that at age 12 Jesus was already about His Father’s business and was increasing in wisdom and stature.
As defined by Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:
Wisdom is “knowledge and the capacity to make due use of it”.
Rayce recently cleaned up a meat grinder he found and gave it to me for my birthday. I have never used one so I will most definitely struggle to make due use of it anytime soon!
Sometimes life feels like we are being sent through a meat grinder. I suppose it is in these times we must press in and ask for wisdom and understanding more than ever!
James tells us we don’t have because we don’t ask. Earlier in the book, he tells us if we lack wisdom then we should ask. Wisdom is like a gift from God that we not only want, but we need. A gift of how to break old cycles, a gift to new revelation, a gift to leaving frustration behind and a gift of confidence in understanding God’s way.
As we are out and about getting things gathered for family celebrations, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and understanding!
Dig Deeper
Psalm 90:12 | James 1:5 | Colossians 2:3 | Proverbs 4:5-7