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“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

Not everyone will understand your journey. Not everyone will accept, believe, or even be able to celebrate what God has done in your life.

Stephen was stoned for His faith in Jesus. The religious people could not see true salvation, gnashed their teeth at Stephen, and took his life. They were blind spiritually, but as Steven was being stoned, he was actually seeing the LORD.

One of the greatest persecutors was Saul and he had an encounter with Jesus that changed the trajectory of his life and still impacts our lives today. He was ruthless prior to his encounter with Jesus. Barnabas had to convince the disciples to trust that Saul had really changed. It’s okay if people don’t believe we are different at first. That’s not what matters. It’s between us and the Lord, and God knows our heart.

Someone reading this may be like Stephen right now and is being wrongly judged. Keep your eyes on Jesus as He perfects your faith and forgive those that are judging.

Someone may be like Saul, and people may still look at you and see your past. You have had an encounter and know you will never be the same, but not everyone sees it just yet. Seek the LORD, keep your spiritual armor on and pray for others to see Him in you.

Last, someone reading this may be like Barnabas and is standing in the gap between those that are cautious and those that have had an encounter. God has given you a sweet gift to be able to see what He is doing in others. Be encouraged and keep bridging the gap between believers.

God is always working, and I pray today you have a sweet encounter with our Savior!

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