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Fresh Water

"Jesus answered and said to her, 'If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water'.”

John 4:10

About a year ago Rayce and his friend went on an adventure to the creek behind our house. We find out later that they got a little thirsty on this exploit so they just drank a little water from the creek. This would not have been such a big deal if the creek were actually running, but it was absolutely stagnant. Later my friend was discussing this risky drink with her son and he reassured her that it was just fine because they had filtered the water with moss. The boys were confident in their choice because Bear Grylls, the great adventurer and survivalist, filters his water with moss...

On my walk this week I saw the moss on these rocks and I just started laughing thinking about their little stunt. Those boys had so much fun that day, and thank the Lord they did not get sick from that stagnant water!

Oh, how often we just need a FRESH drink of Living Water! We need a new Word and an encounter with our loving Father. There is nothing that brings more peace, comfort, or joy like knowing that God hears you and speaks a specific word just to you! Our Father loves spending time and communicating with us! When the Holy Spirit speaks it really is like a drink of fresh water.

Here recently I was praying for something specific and there was ONE tiny flower on my walk. I knew the Lord put it there for me so I looked up the meaning of that flower and it was exactly what I was praying for. There are no coincidences. If we are praying for Him to speak He isn't going to give us a stone or a serpent! No, He will speak through His creation, His Word, His people, our dreams and even just a whisper.

I pray that You get a fresh drink of Water today! No moss needed! When it comes from God Almighty it is PERFECT. May you be refreshed, restored, and renewed today!

Love you my friend!

Dig Deeper

Luke 11:9-13 | John 7:38 | | Isaiah 49:10 | Ephesians 5:26


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